Everything changes.
Just the other day, I was writing about stopping to smell some gorgeous roses outside my house. Normally, I rush right past these fragrant bushes on my way to whatever is next on my always full to-do list, but I was feeling grateful to have the time to move slowly and admire the beauty in front of me. I felt content, peaceful and inspired to write about the gift of this unique time. But then…
Something came up, I can’t even remember what, and I got distracted and moved on to something else so I didn’t finish writing.
Just 24 hours later… my day was a total mess.
Any glimmer of peace and calm from the day before had disappeared and in its place were intense feelings of frustration, anger, and overwhelm. Nothing was going my way. I felt the weight of the whole world on my shoulders and I would have given anything to have someone save me from all of the discomfort.
How quickly I went from smelling the roses to wanting to burn the whole place down. I couldn’t even truly remember the ease I had felt the day before. It’s unbelievable how both sides of the spectrum can feel so real and true, and how quickly things change.
Thankfully, I’m now back in the middle ground. I let myself feel all the feelings, allowing even the hard uncomfortable ones to be there, and holding myself lovingly as they passed through.
Here’s what I did to come back to center:
- Gave myself a time out, set some boundaries, and made space to take care of myself.
- Turned inward and listened to my heart, without trying to change anything.
- Put down the screens, the news, and all the anxiety provoking distractions.
- Went outside into nature, breathed and moved my body.
- Reached out for connection and support. I was reminded that many people feel exactly like I do right now, and felt less alone.
Here’s the truth…
The cycle of ups and downs, good days and bad days, joy and pain, fear and trust, openness and contraction is never ending.
But I only suffer more when I want things to be different than the way they are. When I let go of trying to control, and instead allow what is happening to be as it is, I feel less pain.
In life’s challenging moments, my response is usually to try and DO something to make the discomfort go away. But if instead, I slow down and allow myself to feel it just as it is, I know I can trust my heart to tell me what it needs.
And that changes everything.