Get your Veggies! A Time-Saving Salad Tip
If you’re like me, you love a fresh healthy salad for lunch in the summer but you’re too busy to make one every day. It’s a pain to cut and chop and clean every morning as you’re trying to get yourself (and your family) out the door. And paying $10 for a fresh salad...
The Words We Say to Ourselves Matter
I just had a session with a client who started by telling me she had just woken up from a midday nap. She’s rightfully absorbing the last few days of being on her own schedule, before starting a new high profile, high stress job. “Oh how amazing!” I reflected back to...
Moving Away From Doing it All…
When you’re overwhelmed and realize there’s too much on your plate, you need to prevent more things from getting on our list, by setting boundaries. Having healthy boundaries means you won’t be trying to do it all. You won’t crack under the pressure of...