Untangling the Mess
I recently found my favorite gold dangley necklace and hoop earrings impossibly tangled together in a big unruly knot. After several hasty and unsuccessful attempts to free them from their bondage, I was desperate. So I tried a different approach. Instead of pulling...
The Wisdom of your Feelings
Sometimes when things in my life don’t go as I’d hoped, I find myself ruminating on it too long after the incident has passed. I mull endlessly over what I could have done differently, imagining what I would change if I could do it over, and beating myself up for my...
Living with Uncertainty
Humans love knowing, being sure of things. We feel safe when we feel certain and in control. So we create plans, structures and routines to help us know what comes next, and feel comfortable. But right now, there’s so much that’s up in the air, so many unknowns, we...
Closing out Your Year with Clarity
It’s hard to believe another year is already coming to a close. Sometimes my life moves so fast, it all feels like a blur. This year was no exception. Where did my time and energy go? What did I accomplish? What am I most proud of? How can I learn from my challenges...