I was in a rut. I got out. I’ll tell you how.
January started out with a thud for me. Even though I was so ready to let 2020 go, the fresh start in 2021 did little to motivate me towards setting any new goals. I was in a rut. Knowing that my early morning iPhone news reading habit which had started pre-election...
Everything Changes
Everything changes. Just the other day, I was writing about stopping to smell some gorgeous roses outside my house. Normally, I rush right past these fragrant bushes on my way to whatever is next on my always full to-do list, but I was feeling grateful to have the...
Closing out Your Year with Clarity
It’s hard to believe another year is already coming to a close. Sometimes my life moves so fast, it all feels like a blur. This year was no exception. Where did my time and energy go? What did I accomplish? What am I most proud of? How can I learn from my challenges...
Why is Mother’s Day so Hard?
Why is Mother’s Day so hard? I just spent the most lovely Sunday connecting with my daughter over chocolate croissants and pedicures. We went on a lovely walk and had dinner with my parents and my sister’s family. There was laughter, good connection and plentiful...